Typing is a process of entering data to type writer, mobile phone, computer, calculator
and many more. Providing typing tutor free download link of Typing Tutor 6 version, we
think that you can learn typing speedily at home. By typing, we add this data by pressing
keys of the keyboards and keypads of these devices. Lillian Sholes from Wisconsin was the
first typist of the world and she was the daughter of Christopher Sholes who invented the
first typewriter.
Typing is a technique which contains different types of gestures of fingers. Every typist
uses their own way or movement of fingers in typing. There are four main methods of
learning typing to enhance your typing speed. The first one is called “touch typing”. In
this technique, a table of fingers and keys will be provided to you and you will have to
remember the keys in this method to enhance your typing speed by not watching on the
keyboard again and again while typing.
The second technique is called “hunt and peck”. In this technique you would have to press
every key individually by looking at the keyboard. Speed is sacrificed in this method to
give access to the keyboard to your fingers and to remember the keys as well. “Buffering”
comes next and it is the third technique. Now it is time to collaborate both of the
techniques given above and it will become the buffering technique. This technique will
enhance your speed further more. The fourth technique is called thumbing and it is used to
give input on tech sensitive screen of this age.
In this new era, all four of the typing techniques are amalgamated in one computer
software that is called typing tutor. The latest version typing tutor 6 is further
enhanced. Just free download typing tutor 6 full version from our website and have fun.
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